FreeBNB is back and here to change your life forever!
💭WEB SİTE: https://freebnb.space/
👥TELEGRAM: https://t.me/FreeBNBv2
🐥TWİTTER: https://twitter.com/FreeBNBToken
💚DİSCORD: https://discord.com/invite/TzMTXqKjfy
🔑BSCSCAN CONRACT ADDRESS: https://bscscan.com/address/0x1FdD2bb734502972AD95BA1bC6b290cfd705eE99#code
CA: 0xFA8C4dbe4F8AE06c02a6A157B5cE8A5103E463CF
🔓 Liquidity will be locked!
⛽️Total Supply: 1,200,000,000,000,000 (1.2 Quadrillion)
💸 Airdrop to the legends of FreeBNB v1: 200,000,000,000,000 (20%)
👨🏫 Team: 100,000,000,000,000 (10%)
🔥 BURN: 50,000,000,000,000 (5% will be burnt!)
💸 AIRDROPS/GIVEAWAYS/CONTESTS: 100,000,000,000,000 (10% to ensure that we can run competitions, giveaways and airdrops for months and months)
💰Private Sale: 300,000,000,000,000 (30%)
💰FegEx Presale: 200,000,000,000,000 (20%)
🦍 FegEx: 100,000,000,000,000 (10%)
🥞 PancakeSwap: 50,000,000,000,000 (5%)
💲 Marketing: 60,000,000,000,000 (6%)
🤑 Buyback: 20,000,000,000,000 (2%. When Buyback wallet is full, it will be burnt to continue on with the buyback.)
🎁 Reward for top shiller: 20,000,000,000,000 (2%)
⛔️ Max Wallet: 60T (60 Trillion)
⛔️ Max Sell: 5T (5 Trillion)
⚖️ Total Tax:*19%
🎱 *LP: 4%
💳 BNB Rewards: 15%
FreeBNBV2 Roadmap 🛣
✅1st November - CoinSniper listing
✅ 11th November 2 PM UTC - AMA with Crypto Global Team
✅12th November 2 PM UTC - AMA with CryptoCastle
✅13th November 2 PM UTC - AMA with WisdomBully
✅ 13th November 4 PM UTC - AMA with Cryptochallengers
✅ 14th November 5 PM UTC - AMA with Moonarch Snipes
✅14th November Contract completed and sent to ATEITIS Information Technology LLC for review
✅15th November 12 PM UTC - AMA with CryptoFury VN
✅15th November - 1st YouTube video w 69.2K subscribers
✅16th November 11:11 AM UTC - Presale on FEGex - ongoing
✅*16th November - 2nd YouTube video w 139K subscribers*
✅*16th November - 3rd YouTube video w 2.01K subscribers*
📣* 18th November 2 PM UTC - AMA with Heaven of Crypto
📣18th November, Thursday, 9pm UTC - BlueCouch
📣 20th November, Saturday, TBA - FEGradio
🦍🦍The Blue Couch is hosted on BuzzSprout, and FEGradio is hosted on Podcasts.co*. Both are also available on a wide array of podcasting platforms. FEGradio, for example, is available on Stitcher, Spotify, Google/Apple, Amazon, iHeartRadio, etc. (about a dozen or so podcast providers) and now YouTube.
📣* 22nd November 3:33 PM UTC - WE LAAAUUUNCH!!!
In the works:
⏰ Website revamp
✅⏰ Finalize contract 14 Nov 2021
⏰ Finalize whitepaper
✅⏰ BlueCouch - 18 Nov 2021
✅⏰ FEGradio - 20 Nov 2021
⏰ CMC and CG listings
⏰ ATEITIS Information Technology LLC negotiation
✅⏰YouTube video - 2 3 influencers
✅ 69.2 k subscribers 15 Nov 2021
✅139 k subscribers 16 Nov 2021
✅ 2.01 k subscribers 16 Nov 2021
⏰ FEGex SmartDeFi migration
⏰ Wallet logo
⏰ More AMAs*