The People's Metaverse
Metavorz is the idea of perpetual community of all meta technoz building the metaverse web 3.0 as co-founders & not just products. Building the next web 4.0 starts here with the People's Metaverse!
With Blockchain and NFT we can all build a better ownership and transparency.
The age of NFT is today & for that we are here to push an idea of the metaverse within it.
Blockchain allowed us to use that very nature of decentralisation to build a semi-decentralized environment.
✅ CONTRACT: 0xcdc671b28AFd4E9cF19CC4BD82eD5237aC1F8B95
Try our SeDApps
Vorz is a fun-2-earn entertainment platform powered by the META Token to provide a seamless and faster way of doing things with the Metaverse.
It's More Fun In The Metavorz.
With the power of social blockchain network we can surely let the people come to Metavorz and join us as co-founders of such exciting metaverse project.
- All co-founders not product
- Gas-Free and friendly app
- Fun and exciting way to engage
- Crypto-powered entertainment!
$META Tokenomics
Frequently Questions
The most questionable questions of the Metavorz.
What will be the use-case of META?
META is governance token for all of the Metavorz project in the future. The use-case is the overall work of the project using in voting, implementation, integration, etc..
Is this an investment scheme?
This is a perpetual like experiment for the people by the people which devs are doxxed to show how sincere the project is. Always do your own Research.
What are SeDApps?
The semi-decentralized apps of the Metavorz project consist of ketkot and more to come in able for it to push the metaverse ideas.
How to Buy $META?
You can buy META by visiting the (be careful of fake url always check the ww and w) try adding the smart contract address of Metavorz ($META)
Our World is advancing fast and so is human civilization. People and Society are kept in a digital world due to pandemic. This is the age of digital, an era to innovate and build the next future. It is a matter of time to adapt but this is the day to make the move.
Metavorz is a metaphor of digitalization and physicality, conjoined together to build a new kind of Universe and Existence. An idea about building the next era of technology use-case by utilizing the power of Blockchain, A.I, AR, VR, Crypto, NFT, and Quantum Computing, etc..
Today we are building the future of metaverse as one people, co-founding the idea of Metavorz. It is the time to practice semi-decentralization for us to mass-adapt for the advancement of the Cosmos, while readying the axentralised system.
Tokenizing META
The project will be tokenized for us to push this dream of a lifetime. It will practice semi-decentralization for the goods in the metaverse community not allowing a single fatal point of central control.
Vorgz Plan
The Metavorz will be building SeDApps (semi-decentralized applications) that will be part of its evosystem. Starting with KetKot a short video sharing app that will be expanding exponentially, building the next Dex, NFT marketplace, DeFi platforms, etc to adapt the whole metaverse.
The Meta Blockchain
By the year 2022–2023, Ethereum will finish an upgrade for us to fork its EVM building the layer 3 for the Metavorz soon. The plan is to build the Meta Blockchain which is forked from the Ethereum Network and improve it by adding the security measures of quantum computing.
I believe that Quantum Computers will be used to hack every IoT soon so in able to prepare our world we need to develop a quantum resistant blockchain that can still be the layer hub of DApps. After that we call the DApps the ADApps (Axentralized Applications) in the upgrade of the project ecosystem.
Soon the Metaverse would be most widely used as metaphor to some realities in the world because of its fast and easy interaction for the people digitally and physically, allowing us to trade goods from the real world into a digital footprint of originality even into the NFT of Things. The idea behind Metavorz is to make the metaverse the best place for everyone by providing the right services for the people's projects. Inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin on decentralizing the world, we will build more with assurance and simplicity though transparency and fairness.
Metavorz is about building the web 3.0 and opening the gateway of the metaverse to web 4.0. In the future, slowly but surely, we shall prepare for the web 4.0 powered by quantum, AI, AR, Blockchain, NFT, Crypto, and so on. The reason it will succeed is because of the people working together to make that happen. It is only a matter of time and we will be in the metaverse. Bringing the fun and passion can build a better community and global world utopia. It all starts here!
Metavorz's first project is KetKot, an entertainment and fun app to build a community of fun lovers and artists along with the revolution. This will be the turning point of such grand design to build a metaverse in today's future.
Crunchbase Profile:
Connecting Everyone In The Metavorz
To inspire the world with an idea is one of the dream of Metavorz, connecting them in an all-in-one platform and developers hub to rebuild and reshape tomorrow's destined tale. In able for us to do that, it will take time and effort for it to transpire. The Metavorz is an idea to make all connections from the physical and digital world, an in-hub united freedom for everyone in the Metavorz.
Mass Technology Adoption
Blockchain Technology
The Metavorz will start here first by building the SeDApps and its own mainnet blockchain to govern the rest of its semi-decentralized application. Sooner in the web 4.0, we will call our SeDApps the AApps or Axentralized Applications.
Quantum Computing
One of the future aim is to build a quantum resistant SeDApps Machine to counter the growing threat of Quantum computers, breaching the privacy of mankind. Metavorz aims to build its own Blockchain that is quantum prone to any exploits and that should be the future of the project.
Artificial Intelligence
The age of A.I is today! As we expand and tap further in the realm of A.I for it to help us beat another kind of error 404 scenario in the future. By adapting the A.I and integrating it to the SDAO, it will help us build a better Metaverse for this future. It is a must and so here it is the A.I dominance of Metavorz!
Cryptocurrency is the source of energy for such SDAO as it will be useful upgrading the system of today. For us to build and innovate, we need to utilize the power of cryptocurrency. Thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto that freed us from that older system.