HongDong Coin (HONG)


HongDong (HONG) is a groundbreaking social coin that emphasizes transparency, social awareness and active community involvement, bringing a fresh wave of excitement to the token development arena. Inspired by HongDong, the legendary Red Tibetan Mastiff, HONG stands as a guardian, dedicated to fighting inequality and advocating for the voiceless, while continuously increasing its value and providing resources to champion humanitarian causes.

🔗WEBSITE:  https://hongdongcoin.com/


✅ CONTRACT: 9wZutoBTGVjiiKRdTMJLrCNauFTpbN8throyFxAhn7QW


 Contract source code verified
This token contract is open source. You can check the contract code for details. Unsourced token contracts are likely to have malicious functions to defraud their users of their assets.
 No proxy
There is no proxy in the contract. The proxy contract means contract owner can modifiy the function of the token and possibly effect the price.
 No mint function
Mint function is transparent or non-existent. Hidden mint functions may increase the amount of tokens in circulation and effect the price of the token.
 No function found that retrieves ownership
If this function exists, it is possible for the project owner to regain ownership even after relinquishing it
 Owner can't change balance
The contract owner is not found to have the authority to modify the balance of tokens at other addresses.
 No hidden owner
No hidden owner address was found for the token. For contract with a hidden owner, developer can still manipulate the contract even if the ownership has been abandoned.
 This token can not self destruct
No self-destruct function found. If this function exists and is triggered, the contract will be destroyed, all functions will be unavailable, and all related assets will be erased.
 No external call risk found
External calls would cause this token contract to be highly dependent on other contracts, which may be a potential risk.
 This token is not a gas abuser
No gas abuse activity has been found.
Honeypot Risk
 This does not appear to be a honeypot.
We are not aware of any malicious code.
 No codes found to suspend trading.
If a suspendable code is included, the token maybe neither be bought nor sold (honeypot risk).
 Holders can sell all of the token
Holders can sell all of the token. Some token contracts will have a maximum sell ratio.
 The token can be bought
Generally, these unbuyable tokens would be found in Reward Tokens. Such Tokens are issued as rewards for some on-chain applications and cannot be bought directly by users.
 No trading cooldown function
The token contract has no trading cooldown function. If there is a trading cooldown function, the user will not be able to sell the token within a certain time or block after buying.
 No anti_whale(Unlimited number of transactions)
There is no limit to the number of token transactions. The number of scam token transactions may be limited (honeypot risk).
 Anti whale can not be modified
The maximum trading amount or maximum position can not be modified.
 Tax cannot be modified
The contract owner may not contain the authority to modify the transaction tax. If the transaction tax is increased to more than 49%, the tokens will not be able to be traded (honeypot risk).
 No blacklist
The blacklist function is not included. If there is a blacklist, some addresses may not be able to trade normally (honeypot risk).
 No whitelist
The whitelist function is not included. If there is a whitelist, some addresses may not be able to trade normally (honeypot risk).
 No tax changes found for personal addresses
No tax changes were found for every assigned address. If it exists, the contract owner may set a very outrageous tax rate for assigned address to block it from trading.

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